Treatment is Siddha
Impairment of three doshas is the main reason for the onset of the disease. Consequently treatment in Siddha mainly directed towards restoration of equilibrium state of the three vital forces like Vatham, Pitham and Kapham and for the purpose one or more of the following cleansing procedures is adopted. Virechanam (for vatha diseases); Vamanam (for pitha disease) and Kalikkam/Nasiyam (for kapha disease). After above procedures, the body condition of the patient becomes more feasible to receive the specific treatment. Saint Thiruvalluvar explains four requisites of successful treatment. These are the patient, the attendant, physician and medicine. When the physician is well qualified, well experienced and the other three agents possess the necessary qualities in their field, even severe diseases can be cured effortlessly. The treatment should be commenced as early as possible after assessing the course and cause of the disease. Treatment is classified into three categories: Vinnavar maruthuvam (Divine method); Manida maruthuvum (Rational method); and Asura maruthuvum (Surgical method). In Divine method superior medicines like parpam, chendooram, guru, kuligai made of mercury, sulphur and pashanams are used. In the rational method, simple medicines made of herbs like churanam, kudineer, vadagam are used. In surgical method, incision, excision, heat application, bloodletting, leech application etc are used. While treating the patient special concern will be paid on Yakkai (Body constitution of the patient), Thinai (sort of land where the patient is living) and Season for the effectiveness of the treatment.
Varmam and Thokkanam are exceptional kind of treatment practices existing in Siddha. Varmam is a specialized technique applied by the physician on 108 vital points of human body to cure Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal diseases followed by trauma and other reasons. Thokkanam consists of 9 varieties of massage procedure more or less similar or superior to Pancha karma in Ayurveda also indicated for Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal diseases. It is very essential to bring the scientific essentialities of this practice to the attention of world community by employing extensive research.
Yoga-Pranayamam-Dhyanam is some treatment varieties advised for chronic diseases and pshycosomatic disorders. Siddhar Thirumoolar was the first authour dealt this exceptional approach thousands years ago. Day to day practice of these kinds of methods is the easiest way to maintain the health normally and to get rid of the disease even with no medication. In modern world, all the people are leading mechanical and miserable life due to the advancement of science and technology, resulting in psychosomatic disorders in roundabout way therefore Yoga and dhyanam will be the ultimate solution.
Siddhars developed Kayakalpam mainly designed for longevity with complete freedom from illness and for preventing ageing problems (Kayam means body; Karpam means competent). Kayakalpm is the special way shown by the Siddhars to make the body competent. According to Thirumoolar totally 108 kayakalpa medicines are available in Siddha for rejuvenation purpose. Current concept of anti-oxidants and immuno-modulators are some of the properties of Kayakalpa drugs. Kayakalpam medicines not only cures affected disease, promotes immune status, prevents ageing problems, maintains youthfulness and also extends life span. It is very evident that, no other medical system at present world having such speciality.
Why Siddha is a better system at present condition?
1.Drugs are available for all age groups and all kind of disorders 2 Drugs are available for chronic/dreadful diseases 3.Easily available 4.Easily acceptable 5.Less expensive
6. No side effects 7.Time-tested drugs 8.Blended with our culture.