Migraine- Siddha view
Dr. K. Jagannathan, MD (Siddha), PhD
Reader, Department of Maruthuvam,
Santhigiri Siddha Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram.
Mobile: 07736750331
In Siddha, Migraine is being known as Otrai thalaivali, which is characterized by severe head ache at one side of the head, later it spreads to entire head, visual or neuralgic aura, vomiting and prostration. Head ache in certain cases, will be active for several days. Mandai idi, Mandai soolai, Thalai nokkadu, Thalaikkuthu, Kabala soolai are some of other terminologies used for migraine.
According to modern side, though aetiology is unknown for migraine, genetic predisposition, hormonal influences, dietary precipitants, psychological stress are considered as some of factors which precipitates migraine. In Siddha, Vayu plays a major role and with the support of either Vatham or Kapham, manifests migraine. Improper food habits and personal habits also participate in the onset of disease. Siddha also deals about another two varieties of migraine pointed by the Siddhar “Yugi muni”, and they are Soorya vartham and Chandra vartham. Head ache starts from morning and will be persisted till evening in case of Soorya vartham where as in Chandra vartham pain will be felt entire night and disappear in the morning. Pain also will be felt in the areas like eye, in between eye brows, base of the nose in certain cases and neuralgic involvement also seen.
In Siddha, in addition to internal medicines, much importance is also given for external applications like medicated oil bath, Poochu, Nasyam, Pugai. Kasthuri mathirai, Linga chenduram, Maha elathi gulikai, Gowri chindamani, Ayakantha chenduram, Arumuga chenduram are some of the Classical preparations usually prescribed by Siddha doctors. For external use, Arakku thylam, Chukku thylam, Sirobara nivarana thylam, Chithira moola thylam, Aswagantha bala laksha thylam, Chandanathi thylam, Nochi thylam are being used as bath oil. Nasyam also giving much relief during attack and Chukku thylam, Nochi thylam and Peenisa thylam are used for this purpose. Since this migraine results from the impairment of vatham, in the beginning of treatment gentle purgation will be advisable. But these medicines could be taken only under medical supervision.
For the benefit of public, herewith some simple home remedies are mentioned.
Internal medicine:
1. Powder of chukku at the dose of 2 gm, could be taken with butter daily, two times for five days. Tamarind (Puli) in food strictly to be avoided.
2. Decoction prepared from Chitraratha, Sathakuppa and Thrikadugu each 5 gram, by adding 1 litre of water and reduced in to 100 ml by boiling. Dose: 30 ml 3 times a day.
1. Karuga veru is ground with milk and applied as poochu over the fore- head and vertex (Nerukayil) daily during episode.
2. Eswaramooli ver, Vayambu and Kurumulaku are ground with water and applied on head.
3. Velipparuthi ila, Ulli, and Vayambu are ground with water and applied as per the procedure mentioned above.
Patru: Dry ginger can be ground with hot water and applied as a poochu
Pugai (Smoke): for 3 days
1. Inhalation of smoke obtained from dried turmeric, by burning
2. Make a dried wick by packing with nicely grounded Chandana powder, Vilamicha ver(Iruveli), Kaayam with milk and after soaking with Nallenna, make smoke by burning the tip and inhaled.
3. By using Manjal, Kadugurohini, Vayambu, Make a dried wick and produce smoke by burning the tip of the wick and inhaled.
4. Elathinde ari should be powdered well and tied in a small cloth and smoke will be obtained by burning the tip. This smoke to be inhaled twice in a day for 10 days.
5. Kaayam, Kadugu, Jeeragam have to be ground with Cherunaranga juice and spreaded over white cloth and make a wick. This wick should be burnt and smoke to be inhaled.
Nasyam: for 3 days
Oil prepared from equal quantities of Keezharnelli juice, Velipparuthi juice, Kuppameni juice and Nallenna could be used as Nasyam. 1-2 drops in each nostril two times for 3 days.
1. Muringayude patta, Veluthulli both are crushed and juice has to be obtained. In right sided head ache instil 2 drops of the juice in left nostril and in left sided head ache-vice versa.
2. Kuppameni ver, Veluthulli and Vayambu to be ground and tied in a cloth and 1-2 drops to be instilled in both nostrils two times a day
3. Vayambu, Veluthulli and Nalvelai (karvela) are ground with milk, tied in a cloth and 1-2 drops to be instilled in both nostrils two times a day
4. Ghee preparation by using erattimathuram, Chukku, Vaividangam, Kottam, Kayyonni and applied as Nasyam in the morning and evening for 8 days.
5. Chukku, Chitamirth ela both are crushed and juice has to be obtained. In right sided head ache instil 2 drops of the juice in left nostril and in left sided head ache-vice versa for 5 days.
Oil application on head ½ an hour before bath (Bath oil) –daily, even during disease free days:
1. Oil prepared from Thumba poovu and Nallenna
2. Oil made up of Erikku pazhutha elayude juice 1/8 lit, Nallenna 1 lit, Chukku, Induppu, Erattimathuram, Vayambu, Thippili moolam, Veluthulli each 35 gm.
3. Cheru cheera, Kurumulaku and Manjal plu Nallenna. Prepare oil and apply.
Take plenty of water and fresh juice
Avoid Puli, Pungent, Oily and fatty items
Adequate rest is essential and avoid sleep at day time
Avoid stress, eye strain and noisy atmosphere and wandering in the sunlight
Avoid constipation
Practicing yoga and Dhyanam is much beneficial.