Management of LSD
Maintaining Pathyam: In Siddha, Pathyam means not mere restriction but regulation of both diet and personal habits. It has been clearly mentioned by Siddhars for each disease and also in preventive aspect in the ancient literatures. Up to 1980’s and 90 are we Indians, preferred traditional food only. It was the correct combination of 6 variety of taste; perfect mixture of Pancha boothas; proper ratio of vital forces governing our body i.e.Vatham, Pitham and Kapham. Thus we had healthy Saptha thathus and fine physique. Now our diet and personal habit were entirely changed. It is the right time to realise the merit of traditional food and customs by ignoring western manner.
Avoidance of Purakkaranangal: Hazards of environment have to be recognized and rectified. Encouraging the public in plantation of trees is inevitable. Awareness on conservation of nature/forest ought to be promoted. People should be aware of waste management.
Regulation of disciplines according to type of land (Thinai ozhukkam), day (Naal ozhukkam) and season (Kaala ozhukkam) is essential. Regulatory measures were perfectly documented by ancient Siddhars in their literatures like Pathartha guna chindamani and Therayar pini anuga vidhi, thousands years ago for future generation.
There are 108 kayakalpa medicines are mentioned in Siddha by Siddhars like Thirumoolar, Therayar, Korakkar, and Agasthiyar. Any one of simple kayakalpa medicine should be taken periodically and systematically under supervision of Siddha doctor to maintain health, promote immunity, prevent damage caused by ROS, and to alleviate disease.
Yogasanam for healthy individual and disease affected person are clearly told by Siddhars in literatures. Practising Pranayamam, Yoga, Dhyanam, Asanam also indispensable to revitalise systems, maintain our body sound and to get rid of psychological factors.