Lifestyle diseases (also called diseases of longevity or diseases of civilization) are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer-WHO. In other words, Lifestyle disease is a disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives. In short, Lifestyle diseases (LSD) are the diseases which result from changes in the diet, lifestyle and environment. Lifestyle diseases include Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases, Atherosclerosis, Obesity, Stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),Most of the cancers, Mental disorders like Depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, Spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Diseases associated with smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.
In the first half of last century, communicable diseases like pneumonia/ influenza, tuberculosis, diarrhoea/enteritis were dominated and accounted for about 60 percent of all deaths. By the latter half of twentieth century, 60 percent of all deaths have come from an entirely different sort of diseases defined as lifestyle diseases. The WHO also has warned that more than 270 million people are susceptible of victim to diseases linked to unhealthy lifestyles and most of these people are thought to come from China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia.
Mortality rate: Lifestyle diseases Vs Communicable diseases
In the present scenario, as per the obtainable data, it has been learnt that death rates peak from accidents at age 40; from cancer at age 70 and from heart diseases and stroke at the age 85. The last two classes are coming under lifestyle diseases. Even though a global problem, LSD that appears to become ever more widespread as countries becomes more industrialized and urbanized.
Lifestyle diseases major cause for death in India-WHO: - In a major shift in the disease pattern, it has been found that the lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension are killing more Indians than any communicable diseases. The findings made by the World Health Organization (WHO) also pointed out that out of 10 deaths in India, eight are due to non-communicable disease (NCDs).The latest statistics from the health ministry reveals that the lifestyle diseases are rampant in major Indian cities like Bangalore and Chennai. In Bangalore, 14 per cent and 21 per cent people are suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. In Chennai, out of 3 lakh tested, 50,000 are found to be diabetic and another 60,000 hypertensive. In wake of the increasing number of deaths due to NCDs, the Central Government is all set to introduce a comprehensive national programme to prevent and control non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and stroke is proposed to be rolled out during the 12th Plan period covering all 640 districts of the country. The programme will focus on health promotion, prevention of exposure to risk factors, early diagnosis, treatment of common non-communicable diseases and rehabilitation services.
Following features make distinct lifestyle diseases form others: 1.LSD are potentially preventable 2. LSD takes months and years to develop 3. Very hard to alleviate unless make a change in diet, lifestyle and maintain good environment 4. People themselves are responsible in the development of LSD and none of the other factors could be blamed.
Some thousand years ago, Siddhars, the founders of Siddha system of medicine, evidently mentioned about two ultimate reasons for the onset of diseases. They are 1. Agakkaranangal a) Unavathi seyal marupadu (changes in diet, personal habit and habitat) b) Kanma vinai (congenital/ genetical disorders) 2. Purakkaranangal (Environmental factors). The same concept is highlighted now as a new invention by the contemporary scientists while describing the aetiology for LSD. The uniqueness of Siddha medicine is not only cure physical and mental illness but also looks after social, moral and spiritual welfare of an individual. Hence it is very evident that system like Siddha only can combat LSD perceptibly and offer better solution since it is comprehensive, holistic in nature and educates the mankind the art of living.
Patients of LSD could find better solution in Siddha for following reasons. Siddha is the only system which deals about Andathilullathe pindam concept,96 thathwas, Relationship between Suvai- Panchabootham- Potency- Three doshas, Ashtangayogam, Unavathi seyal marupadu concept, Gunapadam and Pathartha guna chindamani, Thinai ozhukkam, Naal ozhukkam, Kaala ozhukkam, Pini anuga vidhi, Kayakalpam, Nanju murivu, Noikkana pathyam, Marunthukatkkana pathyam, Vaidhyam- Vaatham- Yogam – Gnanam etc to protect the mankind to overcome all sort of problems related with body, mind, diet, lifestyle, and environment.
Causative factors of LSD as follow: In many countries especially western in origin, peoples’ diet changed substantially in the second half of the twentieth century, generally with increases in consumption of meat and other non- vegetarian food items, dairy products, fried and oily foodstuffs, alcohol and other beverages, junk food, fast food, sugar and decreases in consumption of starchy staple foods. Other aspects of lifestyle also changed, notably, great reduction in physical activity, huge increases in the prevalence of obesity, living under stress, becoming addict to alcohol, drug and smoking, overindulgence in sexual activities, extra marital contact and involving in immoral activities. In fact, personal habit of an individual has been changed radically. Environment also considerably affected due to industrialization and urbanization in both developed and developing countries. Polluted air due to increasing emission, unprotected and unsafe drinking water owing to industrial waste, pesticide residues and heavy metal contaminations, geo-climatic changes, depletion of ozone, release of green house gases and global warming are some of the other factors deliberately affecting the state of environment. The people who migrate from one country to another normally acquire the diseases of the host country, suggesting that environmental factors are the key determinants rather than others in the development of LSD.
Beside changes in diet and habits, Siddhars had the concept of geo- specific diseases and advocates the management of such kind with geo specific- plants and the same had been documented fully by them in their ancient literatures. For example Middle East countries belong to Neithal, Paalai and to some extent Marutham variety of land as per their concept. Rheumatic disorders, Vatha diseases, Obesity, Hepatomegaly, Hernia, and Filariasis will be the predominant diseases in that kind of lands and present data also substantiates the same. The land -Paalai (desert) will invite all kind of diseases especially Filariasis (eg. Cherthala Taluk in Alappuzha District, Kerala) due to different reasons as per their theory. In fact, extensive research has to be done in this area to establish Siddhars concept scientifically and to find solution to the prevalent diseases in natural way for the benefit of mankind.
Presentation will be on the management of top 10 LSD through Siddha way, and educate the people about the way to lead healthy life and insist the importance of traditional custom. The clinical confirmation of each disease, its investigatory methods, line of treatment, mechanism of action of drug in a scientific way, preventive measures of each LSD etc will be dealt mainly under each heading in the presentation.
Currently it becomes a worldwide problem especially in western countries. Degeneration of brain cells is the basic reason and triggered by various factors. This kind disease usually affects the mankind in Kapha kaalam. Medicines having anti oxidant, tonic and alterative properties found to be valuable in the management of pick’s disease/ dementia. Siddhar’s Kayakalpa medicines and kayakalpa methods definitely capitulate fine solution to this dreadful disease undoubtedly. A Kayakalpa medicine prevents not only greying of hair, wrinkle of skin, ageing process, and disease but also extends the life span of an individual. In simple words, Kayakalpa drugs are intended for keeping the body like stone and maintaining youth forever. Vallarai nei, Brahmi nei, Serankottai nei, Amukkara Legyam, Sitramutti madakku thylam, Santhgiri’s Balasarvangam are found to be valuable to check degeneration, augment neuro- transmitters, rejuvenate brain and neurons and boost up memory. Practising Dhyanam, Pranayamam and yogasanam will yield supportive treatment to get rid of the problem in early stage in the patients who are co-operating.
Deposition of atheromatous plaque in the inner surface of blood vessels, especially in the coronary vessels which are supplying cardiac muscles and spasm of blood vessels results in inadequate blood supply and ultimately results IHD i.e. heart attack. Obesity, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus is some of lifestyle diseases which provoke this hazardous condition. Medicines having the capacity to resolve this plaque, to promote circulation, to dilate vessels and to provide cardiac tonic effect will be favourable in IHD. Guggulu and Garlic preparations found to be effective to dissolve the plaque and prevent further deposition and complications. To tonify cardiac muscles, cardiac tonics like Marutham pattai choornam/ kudineer, Thamaraga kudineer, Shirungi parpam, Santhgiri’s Hridaya santhi Kasthuri mathirai, Annapavala chenduram could be prescribed.
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide: it accounted for 7.4 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2004 according to the last survey conducted. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030. Reasons: 1.Physical carcinogens, such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation 2.Chemical carcinogens, such as asbestos, components of tobacco smoke, aflatoxins (a food contaminant), chemical used in food items and arsenic (a drinking water contaminant) 3.Biological carcinogens, such as infections from certain viruses, bacteria or parasites.
Top 5 cancers out of 150 varieties
Prostate 28% Breast 30%
Lung 17% Lung 13%
Colorectal 12% Colorectal 12%
Bladder 7% Uterus 6%
Non Hodgkin lymphoma 4% Ovary 4%
Chemotherapy, irradiation and surgical treatment are the measures employed in modern medicine in handling of cancer. No cure for cancer is the dictum at present. But with traditional medicines, cancer is curable to greater extent only in the beginning stage. Siddha, advices Parangipattai choornam, Chithiramoola guligai, Rasa chenduram, Linga chenduram, Thanga parpam, Serankottai Nei, Rasaganthi Mezhugu, Idivallathy Mezhugu, Nanthi Mezhugu, and Van Mezhugu to check the proliferation of immature and poorly differentiated cells effectively.
Liver is the power house of our body. If any defect happens, it will affect whole body through many pathological events/ consequences. As far as liver is concerned, Chemicals, Drugs, Alcohol, Infection, are the main damaging agent’s leads to mild form of jaundice to major form of cirrhosis. Keezhanelli, Karisalai, Kadugurohini, Aamanakku, Seenthil, Nilavembu, Mandooram preparations in Siddha readily available to tonify liver, corrects liver problem, and protects liver from further damage.
Air pollution due to industrialization, Emissions from vehicles, Smoking, Allergens present in air, Climate change are some of the reasons for the occurrence of respiratory disorders. Air pollution creators, top 5 nations at global level: China -22.3%, USA – 19.91%, India -5.5%, Russia – 5.24%, Japan -4.28%. Swasa kudori mathirai, Nanjaruppan choornam are potent brocho- dilators which relaxes the spasm whereas medicines like Adhathodai kudineer, Kasthuri karuppu, Pavala parpam, Santhgiri’s Thippili rasayanam, Thalisathy choornam, Solanum forte, Solanum syrup helps to liquefy sputum; controls cough and expectorate the phlegm from the chest.
60% of world population are afflicted with this disease. Environmental factors, improper diet habit, lack of exercise, mental stress play a vital role for the occurrence of this problem. Mild form of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and DM owing to lack of insulin sensitizers could be manageable with Siddha medicines. Advantage of these medicines is believed
to be preventing onset of further complications related to DM owing to its hypoglycaemic effect, hypolipidaemic effect, and anti-oxidant effect, super oxide scavenging activity and by the enhancing microcirculation. Nisamalaki, Abhraga chenduram, Vanga parpam, Naga chenduram, Aavarai kudineer, Seenthil kudineer, Seenthil sarkkarai, Vengai kudineer, Nilavembu kudineer, Madhumega choornam and Santhigiri’s Meninokki fulfils abovementioned activities.
Functional and organic damage of kidneys is caused by LSD like DM, Hypertension, and some Nephro- toxic chemicals/drugs. Kungiliya parpam, Mavilinga pattai choornam, Thriphala choornam, Nerunjil preparations and Santhgiri’s Jalamanjari found to be valuable clinically to greater extent.
Neurological deficit results mainly from thrombo- embolic sequel and the LSD like HT, DM, Hyperlipidaemia, Smoking, Heart disease etc. Anti vatha drugs in Siddha like Chandamarutham, Arumugha chenduram, Vatharatsasan, Vishnu chakram, Sitramutti madakku thylam, Kungiliyam preparations, and Santhgiri’s Balasarvangam, Jathilinga thylam offers better remedy to manage the conditions and certain medicines are quite beneficial for rehabilitation.
In Siddha, Pathyam means not mere restriction but regulation of both diet and personal habits. It has been clearly mentioned by Siddhars in the ancient literatures. Up to 1980’s and 90 we Indians, preferred traditional food only. It was the correct combination of 6 variety of taste; perfect mixture of Pancha boothas; proper ratio of vital forces governing our body i.e.Vatham, Pitham and Kapham. Thus we had healthy Saptha thathus and fine physique. Now our diet and personal habit were entirely changed due to advancement of science, westernization, urbanization, growing population, global trade, economic crisis, natural calamities, and climatic changes. It is the right time to realise the merit of traditional food and customs and it is the right time to say good bye to western culture. Hazards of environment (Purakkaranangal) have to be identified, recognized and rectified. Encouraging the public in plantation of trees is inevitable. Awareness on conservation of nature/forest and waste management ought to be created.
Regulation of disciplines according to type of land (Thinai ozhukkam), day (Naal ozhukkam) and season (Kaala ozhukkam) is essential and practitioners should transfer this knowledge to the community. Regulatory measures were perfectly documented by ancient Siddhars in their literatures like Pathartha guna chindamani and Therayar pini anuga vidhi, thousands years ago; in fact they will be the treasure for future generation. There are 108 kayakalpa medicines are mentioned in Siddha by Siddhars like Thirumoolar, Therayar, Korakkar, and Agasthiyar. Any one of simple kayakalpa medicine should be taken periodically and systematically under supervision of Siddha doctor to make the body and mind pure, to maintain health, promote immunity, prevent damage caused by ROS, and to alleviate disease.
Yogasanam for healthy individual and disease affected person are clearly told by Siddhars in literatures. Practising Pranayamam, Yoga, Dhyanam, Asanam also indispensable to revitalise systems, maintain our body sound and to get rid of psychological factors.
Siddha is the way of life &
Siddha is the way to combat lifestyle disorders